Patient First

Helps connect patients with specialist doctors…..faster.


UX Designer & Researcher


4 Weeks part-time



Need an MRI?

In Prince Edward Island, you could be waiting for over 5 months!

The Broken State of the Canadian Health Care System

Patients are waiting longer and longer to receive referral appointments from General Practitioners to Specialists.

A 2022 survey found that 63% of Canadians indicated a lack of staff was the biggest problem facing the national healthcare system. Access to treatment and/or long waiting times were also a problem.

Delays to crucial healthcare and surgeries can turn curable diseases and ailments into chronic conditions, disabilities, or even death!

The Problem Statement

Waiting times for specialist treatments have increased since last year. Specialist physicians surveyed report a median waiting time of 27.4 weeks between referral from a general practitioner and receipt of treatment—longer than the wait of 25.6 weeks reported in 2021. This year’s wait time is the longest wait time recorded in this survey’s history and is 195% longer than in 1993, when it was just 9.3 weeks.

Why does the Research matter?

  • Major Healthcare Impacts as a Result of Increased Wait Times:

  • Cancelled or delayed procedures and appointments

  • Progression of disease

  • Loss of income due to medical leaves leading to possible job loss

  • Worsening health outcomes

  • Mental health impacts

Research Objectives

To understand patients’ motivations behind shorter wait times and find solutions that can reduce patients’ pain points to waiting for an appointment.


I believe that patients are frustrated over long wait times because they feel like their medical pain and illness is dehumanized and “does not matter”. Patients feel like a number on a list rather than a human needed to be cared for.

I will know I am right when 2 out of 3 of my patient interviewees describe their emotion towards long wait times as feeling dehumanized.

Hypothesis Assumptions

Patients feel negative emotions towards long wait times.

Feeling dehumanized is the primary reason patients are frustrated over long wait times.

Not knowing what to expect while waiting for an appointment is a reason for patients’ frustrations.

Lack of knowledge in pain management while waiting for an appointment is a reason for patients’ frustrations.

Interview Participant Criteria:

Patients aged between 40 to 55 who have at least booked 1 specialist appointment in Canada and have lived in Canada around for 5 years or more.

Age: 46 | Iranian

Dependents: 2

In Canada since: 18 years

Age: 41 | Nigerian

Dependents: 0

In Canada since: 7 years

Age: 52 | Vietnamese

Dependents: 4

In Canada since: 5 years

Affinity Mapping

Interview Themes & Insights

Lack of Control

Patients feel a lack of control regarding their and their family’s healthcare. Thus they engage in information seeking behavior to gain a sense of control and know what to expect.

They don’t care

The long wait times and lack of communication during the wait times are interpreted as a lack of care. However, the feelings of “Lack of care” is mainly observed from the participant who is younger and has no dependents.


Patients also feel immense anxiety while they wait for their specialist appointments.

Assumptions Review

Patients feel negative emotions towards long wait times.

Feeling dehumanized is the primary reason patients are frustrated over long wait times.

Not knowing what to expect while waiting for an appointment is a reason for patients’ frustrations.

Lack of knowledge in pain management while waiting for an appointment is a reason for patients’ frustrations.

Correct. 3 out of 3 participants described their experience waiting for specialist appointments in a negative manner.

Incorrect. 2 out of 3 participants were frustrated due to feeling lack of control”. There are also many pain points and motivations which demonstrate the feelings of “lack of care”.

Correct. 2 out of 3 participants engaged in information seeking behavior while they waited for their appointments.

Correct. 1 participant attempted to convince doctors regarding the severity of her husband’s pain. 1 participant expressed that getting sick is like “getting in trouble” because you don’t have support on what to do.

Findings: While patients did describe long wait times in a negative manner. The reasons were not because they felt “dehumanized”, or “a number on a list”. Patients expressed the cause of the frustration due to feelings of “lack of control” and “unable to take action on their own”. While patients have also described to almost equally feel like “they are not being cared for”, patients engage in “information seeking behavior”, through networking and communicating with other patients to know what to expect and regain some sense of control.

How Might We help patients feel a sense of control while they wait for their specialist appointments in Canada?


This persona represents my target users by having common pain points, motivations, and behvaviours.

Experience Mapping: Current State

This is the current mapping of my persona’s journey. Let’s see how CeCe currently navigates her decision making process when she needs to book an appointment with a specialist doctor. This will help me as a designer to empathize with my persona and identify the key challenges in their current journey.

CeCe wants control:

The ability to choose her appointment than let the appointment choose her. This is why the focus of this project will be on the Booking Epic, which directly addresses the user’s control of choosing their appointments and doctors.

User Stories & Epics

Epic: Booking

Product: A tool that specializes in simplifying doctor booking experience.

Persona: Primary Caregiver

User Story: As a primary caregiver I want to view immediate available specialists so that I can book the appointment myself instead of depending on the appointment or a doctor to find time for me.

Current Practice: Family or General practitioners make a referral to a specialist doctor internally. This involves the patient waiting for a phone call from an unknown doctor, with no referral provided on how long it will take to receive the first call or when it will come.

Task Flow Assumption: Family or General practitioners provide a referral letter to patient which qualifies the patient to seek their first appointment with a specialist doctor independently.

Information Architecture:

A snapshot of what the entire app can function as

Design Inspirations

Design Decisions & Why?

Blue & White Colour: The users mostly use facebook, so the UI should match the apps they currently use.

List Form: The information should be stacked on top of another with a vertical scroll. Since the users are middle aged population who may not be as tech savy, there should be less clutter on the screen.

Days v/s Dates: The users' weekly schedules are structured like 9 to 5's. To filter dates, the option of which days in the week instead of dates will save more space on the screen.

Search Filters: There should be a drop down button stating “Filter by” - “ratings”, “reviews”, “location”, “years of experience”, “number of patients”, so the users can prioritize a doctor as per their needs.

Choose Location: There should be a map for the users to visualize how far their clinic will be from their home.


Specialist Category Screen

Radio button

Specialist category type

Image of part of body specialized

Landing Screen

Friendly animoji

Referral Cards

Filter Screen

Which days of the week available?

What timings of the day available?

Select location as per GPS location

How soon is the appointment needed?

Doctor Screen

City location

Patient ratings

More Information

Number of patient reviews

Confirmation Screen

Patients can confirm if their selection or go back and select another option.

Message Screen

This screen will confirm the patient’s booking and notify what to expect next.

Mid-Fi Wireframes

User Testing

As part of the Patient First design process, I plan to conduct usability tests with about 5 users for 1 persona in order to obtain practical, real-time feedback that can be incorporated to improve the design, in order to provide a more optimal user experience.

Brand Discovery

This app is more classy than trendy

This app is more succinct than comprehensive

This app is more monotone than vibrant

This app is more visual than informative

This app is more muted than vibrant


Colour Extraction

Hex: #164DF1

Hex: #0F36A6

Hex: #034D8C

Hex: #135E8B

Hex: #DCEEF1

Typography Inspiration

Fajjala One

Fjalla One is a great font for web design, as it is highly legible and has a modern and minimalistic look. It is perfect for creating a clean and professional look for websites and logo designs.

Wordmark & App Icon: Dark & Lightmode


Normal Text



Graphic & UI


Large Text







Normal Text



Graphic & UI


Large Text







Normal Text



Graphic & UI


Large Text







Normal Text



Graphic & UI


Large Text







Normal Text



Graphic & UI


Large Text







Hi-Fidelity Design

Key Takeaway

Researching on a subject matter and a demographic where I had little to no prior knowledge and biases, helped me in being objective in creating user centric solutions. I was quite surprised with the results of my interviews. Users with dependents felt the lack of control whereas the users without dependents felt the lack of care.

Going Forward...

  • I would redesign the app so users can filter location, time, and ratings based on whichever criteria is meaningful to them.

  • I would connect apple or google maps to the map on my app so that the users can verify if the location of a clinic is transit friendly.

  • I would create hover/ pressed states on each doctor to show the top 3 reviews.

Let’s Collaborate

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